
Catalonia: Inches away from independence - Conference in Dublin 25F 2014

We are pleased to inform you about the conference "Catalonia: Inches away from independence" at the Teachers' Club (Club na Muintéoiri) , 36 Parnell Square, Dublin, Ireland the next Tuesday February 25th, 2014 starting at 6:30pm. 

Organized by Catalan Assembly in Ireland (ANC Ireland) in collaboration with the Catalan Council of Ireland, we are delighted to have Vicent Partal, journalist, director and editor of the Catalan online journal VilaWeb and writer of the recent book about independence for Catalonia “A un pam de la independència” (Inches away from independence). 

The Teachers' Club is a multifaceted venue in central Dublin, located just 5 mins walk from the GPO in the centre of the city.

During the conference, the current independence movement in Catalonia and the reasons behind it will be analysed by Vicent. The talk will cover the main events that have taken place in recent years which can only be explained against the backdrop of a history going back centuries. The aim of the session is mainly informative, the talk itself will be in English, admission is free and all are welcome.

Free entrance.


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Estem orgullosos de poder anunciar la conferència del proper dimarts 25 de Febrer del 2014 a les 6:30 pm: "Catalunya a un pam de la independència".al the Teachers' Club (Club na Muintéoiri) , 36 Parnell Square, Dublin, Irlanda.

Organitzada per l'ANC Irlanda i amb la col-laboració del Catalan Council of Ireland (www.catalancouncil.ie ), tindrem amb nosaltres en Vicent Partal, periodista, director i editor de Vilaweb (www.vilaweb.cat ) que també ens presentarà el seu darrer llibre “A un pam de la independència”  

The Teachers' Club  (Club na Muintéoiri) és troba tot just 5 mins caminant de la GPO al centre de Dublín.

Entrada gratuita.


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I al Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANC_Ireland 

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